04064: Photographic OOB

Seasons Change (Summer 2007 & Winter 2008)

Posted by: Mike Gregoire

Sunwheel at night

Ocean House

Winter 2008 No. 1

Winter 2008 No. 2

It's now February and this winter has proven to be a long one. Summer is on my mind, as I'm quite sure it is for anyone in the colder climates. So here are a couple from last summer and a couple from just a month ago.

June 16th, 2007 & July 14th, 2007

Posted by: Mike Gregoire


Sun Wheel

Palace Playland


A few more taken during the height of Summer, primarily at a local Old Orchard Beach amusement park “Palace Playland”. Also included is a shot of this great sign in Ocean Park which is right next door to 04064.

May 31st, 2007

Posted by: Mike Gregoire

Where's Mike?

E-Z Parking



A set of shots from Summer 2007. Included here are a few from downtown Old Orchard Beach.

May 28th, 2007

Posted by: Mike Gregoire



The Pines


From my first set of photos using my new Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTI. I was still getting acquainted with SLR photography. The set included many outtakes, but I was happy with these four.